CoffeeTalks I / 2016
It’s time again: The jambit-CoffeeTalks go into the first round for 2016! All jambitees and interested jambitees-to-be are welcome to join the 60-minutes presentations by our experts about current IT issues and trends. Between and after the presentations, jambit invites everyone for discussions and networking over a good cup of jambit-coffee.
13:00 - 14:00 Uhr: Machine learning & concluding (Dr. rer. nat. Dominik Jain / New Business)
The talk motivates the necessity of machine learning and concluding from the perspective of artificial intelligence. It provides insights into typical problems of machine learning and deals in particular with the representation of uncertain knowledge. With the Markov logic, a representation formalism from the area of statistical relational learning will be introduced. It connects logic models with probabilistic graphical models in an elegant and simple manner. Finally, the speaker provides a brief overview of current jambit projects in the field of machine learning and concluding.
14:30 - 15:30 Uhr: Profiling – Do it yourself (Dipl.-Inf. Sebastian Vogel / Automotive World)
Software development in the embedded area: This means minimalistic operating systems, exotic tool chains, missing or limited debugging options and, last but not least, performance problems with reasons difficult to determine. But what if the standard profiling tools are not applicable and printf profiling is not sufficient?
In this talk, a calligraph profiler will be introduced. It was developed exclusively with GCC tools, is free of dependencies to the operating system or platform, and offers temporal and structural scoping and a variety of other features.
16:00 - 17:00 Uhr: A reference architecture for the Internet of Things (Dipl.-Medieninf. Maximilian Schenk / Banking & Insurance)
More and more exciting and profitable products are developed for the Internet of Things (IoT). However, behind all these good and often curious ideas and prototypes, there should be a solid software architecture, which often gets lost in the hype about the IoT.
Therefore, the talk clears up the chaos of terminologies, gives an overview of specific requirements for an IoT architecture, and provides impulses how to meet these requirements. Finally, on this basis, a possible layer architecture for the IoT is introduced.