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Backend Development at jambit
Our Services in Backend Development
The base of every good software is a well-working backend. While the so-called frontend represents the part of the software visible to the user, the backend runs the (non-visible) functionalities in the background. Backend development is primarily concerned with the processing and storage of data in the background of an application. The backend is defined as server-side components that can include both software and hardware. There is a close connection with the frontend: user requests from the frontend are translated into the corresponding programming language and executed in the backend. Data entered by the user is also processed. Another important point in backend development is the connection with interfaces to databases or other (backend) applications.
With the trend towards cloud hosting and serverless computing, things have changed for backend developers as well. Many software projects today are implemented with a microservice architecture or even as a flexible cloud-native application. In addition, functional programming also offers new potential for software optimization. In web development, the backend continues to be one of the key factors in the individualization of content management systems or portals.
Our Services in Backend Development
As a software service provider in Munich, Stuttgart, Leipzig and Frankfurt, jambit has been implementing innovative software projects with experienced backend developers since 1999. The continuous knowledge development and exchange among our jambitees is particularly important to us. This way, we ensure having and using the latest technical know-how about the latest trends and technologies in our projects with world-renowned customers. Due to our broad knowledge, we are able to find the right solution for individual wishes and needs.
In the area of backend development, we rely on microservice architectures with service meshes in most projects, but cloud-native development is also one of our competences. For data processing, we implement projects with relational databases as well as with alternative NoSQL databases. Another important part of our service offering in the backend area is the individualization of content management systems such as Arc Publishing or Polopoly for renowned media companies.
Backend technologies we frequently use in our projects:
- Languages such as Java, Kotlin, Scala, Python, and C#
- Platforms such as Java EE and .NET
- Frameworks such as Spring and Spring Boot, .NET Framework, Django REST Framework, Grails, and Ruby on Rails
- Relational databases such as Oracle, Microsoft SQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Redis, Amazon DynamoDB and Apache Cassandra
- JavaScript runtime environment Node.js with fameworks such as Nest.js and Express.js
Microservice Architectures
Microservices are an architectural approach that is oriented towards the requirements of modern software development, especially with regard to agile development. For software applications, the need to react quickly and cost-efficiently to constantly changing market conditions has become more important than ever before. In this context, the traditional, "monolithic" architecture approach with countless functions is no longer appropriate for business applications in backend with increasing size and complexity.
In a microservice architecture, complex back-end applications are broken down into loosely coupled so-called "microservices", each of which is limited and focused on a specific function. These microservices can be written in different programming languages and can be connected to each other, for example, via REST interfaces (APIs). In this way, many different microservices can be combined into a functional application via a service mesh.
Advantages of this architectural approach:
- Continuous Delivery: In many modern and especially in agile software projects, it is a goal to release changes and new functionalities as fast as possible. This so-called continuous delivery requires that individual functionalities in the backend can be developed or changed quickly without having to consider numerous dependencies in the whole construct. Microservices are ideal for this approach, as they can be constantly adapted individually and changes can be released separately afterwards.
- Development: At the same time, microservices offer advantages in terms of structuring development teams, the necessary length of development cycles, the selection of technologies used and the scaling of services, because:
- Microservices can be developed independently
- They are clearly arranged and can be changed with little effort
- The microservices system is secured against the failure of other systems
Despite the many advantages of a microservice architecture, the creation of such a service landscape also holds many pitfalls and traps. While the individual services become clearer, the whole architecture and monitoring usually become more complex. jambit has already successfully introduced and implemented microservice architectures in many projects and can therefore competently advise you in this area on the advantages and disadvantages for your individual project.
jambit references in the area of microservice architectures:
Implementation of a multi-tenant-capable microservice architecture for Audi on Demand
Cloud-Native Applications
Cloud-native development is another architectural approach to rapidly develop and update back-end applications – while quality is being increased and risk minimized. A cloud-native application is a responsive, scalable, and fault-tolerant app built from scratch to run in the cloud – in any cloud: public, private, or hybrid cloud. It takes advantage of the distributed, scalable, and flexible nature of the cloud. The focus is on the actual writing of code, thereby maximizing business value in development and operation.
The great advantage of cloud-native applications is their independence from individual operating systems or hardware. They can be used flexibly on all cloud platforms and models and can be made available from anywhere. The ability to react quickly to new requirements can give companies a decisive advantage. In coordination with our team of cloud experts, we will be happy to advise you individually on the development of cloud-native applications.
Content Management Systems (CMS) & Portals
With a content management system, abbr. CMS, websites can be dynamically filled with content without knowing anything about web programming. Via an interface, which is easy to understand, content can be entered into the CMS, and the system itself takes care of the translation to HTML. Content management systems have become an integral part of modern web development. They offer companies the possibility that editors can publish content easily and quickly without technical understanding. However, many companies, especially large ones, often have very specific requirements for their website and need a customization of their CMS. In addition to the implementation of a responsive web design, adaptations in the back-end are often necessary, e.g. when connecting interfaces to other applications. There are similar requirements for the individualization of company portals such as SAP, IBM, or Microsoft Sharepoint.
From a variety of projects with renowned media houses such as F.A.Z. and SZ, Mannheimer Morgen, or the RedaktionsNetzwerkDeutschland, jambit can build on years of experience in CMS development. jambit has already supported numerous publishing houses with back-end and front-end developers in introducing a new editorial system. For FAZ.NET, for example, jambit designed and implemented a cloud-based operating environment on Microsoft Azure and has been providing operation, day-to-day business and 24/7 support for the website and online editorial system ever since then. And for, jambit enabled the first implementation of the Arc Publishing CMS in Europe with a partner.
Our Services:
- Supporting with the selection of a new CMS
- Replacing the old system
- Migration of the inventory data
- Integration into the specified system landscape
- Adaptation of the system to the individual customer wishes
- Operation and 24/7 support of the website and online editorial system
- More about content management and publishing systems
SQL & NoSQL Databases
Databases are an essential part of most back-end applications. Their task is to store application data in a secure, reliable, and powerful way. The most commonly used databases are relational databases of established manufacturers (e.g. Oracle or Microsoft) and open source projects (e.g. PostgreSQL). Their greatest strengths are guaranteed consistency at all times and the declarative query language SQL. In addition, these systems incorporate decades of research and optimization. However, relational databases are not always the ideal solution. In certain use cases NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, DynamoDB, and Apache Cassandra with alternative data models or special storage concepts may be the better choice. In our projects, we advise customers on the best individual solution.
Our Services:
- Selection of the best database system for the individual application
- Tuning the performance of applications with reading or writing data as bottleneck
- Developing application-specific data models
Functional Programming
Functional programming is an alternative programming concept that differs significantly from traditional software development. It promises software that is easier to maintain, test, and scale. It is particularly suitable for applications that must run highly reliable even under extreme performance requirements. This is why functional programming has long since left the academic environment and is becoming increasingly popular in productive software, for example in the banking industry. Since nowadays all major software platforms like JVM or CLR support functional programming languages or language extensions, exotic development platforms and programming languages are unnecessary in functional programming.
Our Services:
- Design of functional software architectures
- Functional software development in the JVM environment (e.g. Scala, Kotlin, Clojure)
- Functional extension and transformation of existing software (e.g. Java VAVR)