CoffeeTalks I / 2017
The first CoffeeTalks 2017 are coming up! All jambitees and interested jambitees-to-be are welcome to join the 45- to 60-minutes expert presentations by our jambitees and external speakers about current IT issues and trends. Between and after the presentations, jambit invites everyone for discussions and networking over a good cup of jambit-coffee.
1:00 - 1:45 p.m.: Embedded development and physics
Dipl.-Math. Loïc Domaigné / Senior Software Architect / Automotive World
Telephone, fridge, or toilette: Our everyday appliances become ever smarter, often due to the underlying „embedded systems“. In many cases, we use and program such appliances without really being aware about the systems beneath the surface – or the Java/ iOS/ JavaScript API.
During this talk, we dive into the underworld and show with simple examples, which surprises physics provides if we come closer to the hardware…
2:15 - 3:00 p.m.: Design sells
Ayşegül Karakuş / Designer / New Business
„Well, it has to look nicer.“ We analyze this statement. What has to look nicer and why?
Today, the echo of applied design and all its backgrounds are more than just „looking nice“. Actually, innovation and future go hand in hand with design. But why? Which effect does good design have on consumers and what does it mean for manufactureres?
We cross the history of design from Da Vinci to Bauhaus and see where we are today in 2017.
3:30 – 4:30 p.m.: Introduction to Microsoft Azure
Dipl.-Inf. Steffen Kraus / Microsoft Deutschland GmbH
The true benefit of Public Clouds are not only virtual machines with one API. Directly usabel services allow developers and DevOps engineers to be much more productive and provide them direct access to the latest technologies.
In this talk, we present the Cogniti ve Services by Microsoft Azure – that is Machine Learning without Machine Learning knowledge, for example for image, video or text recognition. Besides, we talk about directly usable microservice environments with and without Docker.