CoffeeTalks II / 2017
In April, it’s time again for the second round of the jambit CoffeeTalks 2017! All jambitees and interested jambitees-to-be are welcome to join the 40- to 50-minutes presentations by our experts about current IT issues and trends. Between and after the presentations, jambit invites everyone for discussions and networking over a good cup of jambit-coffee.
1:00 - 1:40 p.m.: Quantified UX“ – If life gives you a buzzword, make a product out of it
Dipl.-Medieninf. Robert Kowalski / Senior Software Architect / Automotive World
Based on various scientific study results in the field of UX, the QUX model was developed by jambitee Robert Kowalski and two PhD students of the TU and LMU Munich. It creates a company-wide, common understanding of the term alnd allow to measuer the User Experience of digital applications (e.g. news portals, finance or fitness apps) holistically. Thus, concrete optimization measures can be derived.
In his talk, Robert Kowalski explains the QUX model and points out in which projects and project stages it can be used meaningfully.
2:10 - 3:00 p.m.: CPI: Myths and legends
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Stephan Drab / Senior Project Manager / New Business
The Cost Performance Index (CPI) describes the cost efficiency of projects. However, there exist various formulas for calculating the CPI. Even the „original“ formula of the Earned Value Analysis can be used in different ways and includes specific characteristics that should be acknowledged for its implementation.
In this talk, existing myths around the legendary CPI shall be eliminated and a proper understanding of the meaningful application of this – actually simple – key figure shall be created.
3:30 - 4:20 p.m.: Nitty-Gritty Cryptocurrency Details
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Marco Spörl / Senior Software Architect / Automotive Bavaria
Basically, a blockchain is just a distributed database for transactions – isn’t it?
Which roles do miner, full nodes and simplified payment verification play?
How is consensus reached in such a distributed system?
On which parameters does the mining depend and how do they influence the value of a cryptocurrency?
The speaker provides answers to these detailed questions in order to promote the understanding of one of the most disruptive technologies of the last decade.