CoffeeTalks III / 2018
Our third jambit CoffeeTalks in 2018 with entertaining lectures will make developers' hearts beat faster. Whether it's about the latest in the Java Platform Module System, strengths and weaknesses of content management systems, or unknown trivia behind the ubiquitous USB technology – three of our jambitees will be sharing their technology experience in 40-50 minutes lectures and are personally available to answer any questions.
1:00 – 1:50 p.m. Java Platform Module System – eine Einführung
Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Arnim Kreutzer / Software Architect / Business Division Media & More
When developing Java, more than 20 years ago, the requirements for mastering code bases with LOC numbers in a seven-digit range were irrelevant. The mechanisms implemented for loading classes – note Jar Hell – and the access control for such systems are insufficient already long ago.
But do not despair! With the jigsaw project, Sun has been simplifying the development and maintenance of large applications and libraries for a long time. And now there is even more progress. The lecture by Armin Kreutzer gives an overview of modules in the context of the Java version 9, shows why the classpath has (not) served its purpose, how services are implemented and highlights further fascinating aspects of these innovations.
2:20 – 3:10 p.m. Freud und Leid mit Content-Management-Systemen
Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Philipp Hemmer / Senior Software Architect / Business Division Banking & Insurance
Digital media are hardly conceivable without any Content Management Systems (CMS). The software for collaboratively creating, editing and organizing content is convenient, but also with pitfalls. For eleven years Philipp Hemmer has worked in numerous projects with various CMS, such as Adobe Experience Manager (Adobes CMS), Polopoly and others.
If anyone knows strengths and weaknesses, peculiarities and special challenges of these systems, it is him. Philipp knows exactly how to successfully execute a CMS project – and explains what also can go wrong.
3:40 – 4:30 p.m. Die USB-Knoff-Hoff-Show
Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Sebastian Vogel / Senior Software Architect / Business Division Automotive Bavaria
Many times a day we use USB. But how does it work anyway? Why does my cell phone want to know how it should connect when I plug it into a computer? What exactly is behind the selection "for data transmission"? And have you ever tried to beam with a USB device?
In the style of the popular scientific program from the 90s, we get to know more about the USB technology. We explore running USB connections, take a closer look at the MTP protocol, learn about automated testing of head units and write down our own USB device – without kernel space, completely without C, but simply in Python!
Our jambit CoffeeTalks III/2018 at a glance.
jambitees, but also interested jambitees-to-be and externals should not miss this 40-50 minutes full of first-hand condensed technology knowledge. For participation in individual or all lectures, please contact us until 10.07.2018 by e-mail at coffeetalks@jambit.com.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us. We are looking forward to your message and to see you!