CoffeeTalks IV / 2018
Our fourth and last CoffeeTalks in 2018 will once again score with technically topics: Where do I cut code since Java9 the most effective way? What makes functional programming so special? And how does Keycloak combine our multiple digital identities into a single sign-on?
Diverse interesting lectures that should not be missed by all jambitees and external interested parties. Short and sweet, lovingly prepared by our jambitees and presented with a cup of good jambit coffee – get ready and clear the stage on Friday, November 23, 2018, from 13:00 o'clock.
1:00 – 1:50 p.m. Java Platform Module System – an introduction
Sebastian Boschert, B.Eng. / Senior Software Architect / Location Stuttgart
Sensibly Modularizing Software...the road to clean architecture. From large monoliths to microservices – software development is currently following this trend. In Java, it has always been possible to divide its projects into small modules. Since Java 9 and with the current range of technical possibilities and omnipresent microservices, the modularization trend is gaining more and more ground.
The technical question of "how?" is largely clarified. What remains is the question of the "where?" So, where do you cut most sensibly and in which parts? Classic architectural approaches provide no answer to this. In his lecture, Sebastian Boschert will show various modern design patterns of software decomposition and ways to maintain a clean architecture.
2:20 – 3:10 p.m. Functional Programming
Dr.rer.nat. Andreas Bernauer / Senior Software Architect / Location Stuttgart
Functional programming is on the rise: The concepts have become indispensable in all common programming languages.
Andreas Bernauer will introduce us to such concepts in his lecture. He will show how functional programming makes it easier to write maintainable and bug-free codes. Based on concrete examples in Java, Andreas will demonstrate how to start immediately with functional programming.
3:40 – 4:45 p.m. Keycloak Identity Provider
Dipl.-Inf. (Univ.) Wolfgang Kirchler / Senior Software Architect / Business Division Automotive Bavaria
Who am I – and if so – how many?
The multitude of possible authentication mechanisms (Facebook, Google, etc.) and the associated number of identities seems limitless.
In his lecture, Wolfgang Kirchler will show us the "Keycloak", an identity provider that centralizes these seemingly innumerable authentication processes to a single sign-on, which is representing a notable simplification. This is only one capability of Keycloak – out of many others – Wolfgang will explain in his presentation.
Our jambit CoffeeTalks IV/2018 at a glance
- WHAT? CoffeeTalks about "Clean Architectures", "Functional Programming" and "Keycloak"
- WHEN? October 23rd 2018, 1 p.m. – 4:45 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit GmbH, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, 80636 München (subway station Donnersberger Brücke)
Not a jambitee (yet)? Please feel free to join our CoffeeTalks by simply registering via a short e-mail coffeetalks@jambit.com until Tuesday 20th of November.