CoffeeTalks IV / 2017
For the fourth time in 2017 jambit organizes its CoffeeTalks. Our topics range from experimentation to aerial turbulence to intrinsic motivation. All jambitees and interested people are invited to join the short lectures of our experts and guests and to ask questions personally. Between and after the presentations, there will be plenty of time to discuss and network over a cup of our delicious jambit coffee.
1:00 – 1:50 p.m. – What is an ice cube doing at the South Pole?
Dr. Dipl.-Phys. David Heereman / Software Architect / Automotive Bavaria
A cool physical experiment at the South Pole. Probably the southernmost adventure in the world. Fun facts about the neutrino experiment IceCube by a lingering scientist. How do you get to the South Pole at all? Why should you want to go there? What can you do there and what are neutrinos? Why an ice cube? These and other questions will be answered and others may be asked.
2:20 – 3:10 p.m. – All cloudy, isn't it?
Dipl.-Inf. Robert Englmeier / Senior Software Architect / Banking & Insurance
Traditional banks are in fierce competition with agile fintechs. To compete against this competition, they try to use new online offers and distribution channels in the cloud. Robert Englmeier talks about "what" and "how" happens within a current project using an integrable security service as a product. Learn more about a cloudy start, highs and lows, air holes and turbulence in the cunsulting and how to get to the destination in roundabouts. An all-round perspective of a sophisticated cloud project with added value for future consulting projects.
3:40 – 4:30 p.m. – Motiva[c]tion
Daniel Heltemes, B.Sc. / Founder of Spreadmix UG
Without goals you are like a ship without oars: You rarely get to where you actually want to go. How to achieve goals with personal competencies, actively create opportunities and repeatedly motivate oneself... that's what our guest Daniel Heltemes tells us about. In order to realize his dream, he had a clear vision in mind and had to overcome various obstacles.
Any questions? Don't hesitate to contact us. We look forward to your message!