CoffeeTalks IV / 2016
In November, jambit organizes the jambit-CoffeeTalks for the fourth time this year. All jambitees and interested jambitees-to-be are welcome to join the 45-minutes presentations by our experts about current IT issues and trends. Between and after the presentations, jambit invites everyone for discussions and networking over a good cup of jambit-coffee.
1:00 - 1:45 p.m.: Virtual Reality – What? How? Why?
Dipl.-Inf. Philipp Hemmer / Software Architect / Media & More
The biggest hype is over, but we have not yet completely arrived in Virtual Reality.
After a fundamental definition of terms, the lecturer will examine whether Virtual Reality is really all that new and revolutionary and in which cases it is actually an enrichment. In addition, examples of use, technologies and current devices are presented.
2:15 - 3:00 p.m.: Awesome Icons & Iconic Sass
Dipl.-Des. (FH) & Dipl.-Inf. (FH) Thomas Rahlf / Software Architect / Banking & Insurance
“Icons are great!” With them, each user interface can be made prettier and easier to operate in just a few steps. But how can icons be integrated? How do complex projects stay manageable and expandable, so that all icons can be easily changed even shortly before the release?
The lecture gives an overview about current technologies for using icons in web projects. The best ways to separate design and code are examined, as well as possibilities for automation, documentation and testing. Furthermore, fields of application for Sass, WOFF and SVG are demonstrated.
3:30 – 4:15 p.m.: The end of apps (as we know them)
Dipl.-Medieninf. Robert Kowalski / Senior Software Architect / Media & More
Frank Thomsen / Innovation Consultant / New Business
The complexity of everyday life and medial overload have reduced the customer’s attention span to less than 8 seconds. The variety of smartphone apps, each with different service and operating concepts, will be barely used in the foreseeable future. It will be replaced by profile-sensitive UX and digital assistance systems that are tailored to the individual and its living context.
Concrete practical examples in the lecture show which way the world of applications is heading and which methods for UX optimization are already necessary today to reach the customer at all.