Guest lecture "experiences with app development"
jambitee Robert Kowalski offers insights into app development
jambitee Robert Kowalski will give a guest lecture at the University of Stuttgart on 7 February 2020 as part of the software development course within the computer science bachelor degree program. Robert is the head of Automotive Baden-Wuerttemberg department at jambit and has already witnessed a considerable number of software projects in his career. During his lecture, he will give insights into app development and share his experiences. With the help of concrete examples he will talk about several topics:
- Working agile
- Roles within a team
- Native vs. web vs. hybrid development
- Concepts and design of backend systems
- Challenges with requests in the mobile network
- Data structures
- AI and the consequences for product design
We can expect exciting insights from software development for mobile devices. As an innovative software service provider, jambit also realizes app projects, for Android and iOS, but also as progressive web app, cross platform and with deep system integration.
- WHO? Robert Kowalski, Head of Automotive Baden-Wuerttemberg at jambit
- WHAT? Guest lecture "experiences with app development"
- WHEN? Friday, February 7th 2020, from 8:00 a.m.
- WHERE? University of Stuttgart, Faculty for Computer Science, Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Pfaffenwaldring 47, 70569 Stuttgart
Learn about a recent app development project of jambit for Mercedes