CoffeeTalks bei jambit
  • , 1:00 – 3:45 p.m.
  • Via livestream

jambit CoffeeTalks IV / 2020

The jambit CoffeeTalks on December 4, 2020 in jambit's office in Munich are a series of events for jambitees and guests and offer technical know-how and exclusive project knowledge about software development. The CoffeeTalks are a building block of our top of mind knowledge culture and are, along with Vertrauenslernzeit and other elements, part of the attractive offer for the individual development of jambit's software developers. How does Reactive Programming with RxJS work? Which methods to use to increase your own creativity in professional environment? And what possibilities does the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) offer? Four jambitees, from working student to head of a certain division, will spend the informative afternoon sharing their personal experiences from customer projects and their own professional development.

How does Reactive Programming with RxJS work?

1:00 1:45 p.m.: Michael Schorr, Software Architect, Office Stuttgart

Modern web applications are strongly event-driven and therefore asynchronous. A proven approach to avoid ending up in "callback-hell" is reactive programming with RxJS. The program code is based on the management of asynchronous data streams. In this talk, we will se how it works and the range of possibilities to use it. In addition, there will be a live coding session. The talk is also suitable for beginners, as it gives a complete overview. Michael Schorr is Software Architect at jambit in Stuttgart and is involved in projects in the media and automotive environment.

UWP for the fail: Insights into the platform and how to avoid pitfalls

2:15 – 2:45 p.m.: Michael Kirsch, Software Architect, Business Division New Business and Colin Mikolajczak, Working Student, Business Division New Business

The Universal Windows Platform (UWP) is one of many ways to create Windows client applications. These are used with Windows as well as other Microsoft platforms such as Holographic, IoT devices, and Xbox One. UWP apps use WinRT APIs to provide powerful user interfaces and advanced asynchronous features. In a project with the customer Fujitsu Technology Solutions, the team around Michael and Colin got to know both the sunny and the dark sides of the platform. In this CoffeeTalk, the speakers will write a small UWP app together with the participants and show how to avoid typical pitfalls. They will also give an insight into their experiences in developing the UWP-based Fujitsu Smart Desk App, an IoT solution for the workplace of the future. Michael Kirsch is Software Architect and Colin Mikolajczak Working Student in the Business Division New Business at jambit in Munich.

Once, mankind flew to the moon. Today, we are only "railroading". What happened?

3:15 – 3:45 p.m.: Robert Kowalski, Head of Automotive Baden Württemberg, Business Division Automotive World

There are some ideas and concepts that were described already during the 1960s and that we celebrate as innovations today. In the past, people used to reach for the stars, today they are only "railroading" and following in the steps. Are the moon travelers superior to us? Kowalski does not leave us alone with this dystopia of a "railroading". He will show us concrete techniques for each individual to become creative in their professional and private lives. True to the motto: "Changes always start with yourself". Robert Kowalski is Head of the Business Division Automotive World and is enthusiastic about the topics of leadership and innovation.

Our jambit CoffeeTalks IV / 2020 at a glance:

  • WHO? Our jambitees Michael Schorr, Robert Kowalski, Michael Kirsch, and Colin Mikolajczak
  • WHAT? jambit CoffeeTalks IV / 2020
  • WHEN? Friday, December 4, 2020, from 1:00 to 3:45 p.m.
  • WHERE? Via livestream:

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