jambit Sailing 2022
Our sailing event in Munich will finally take place again this year. We are looking forward to it!
Our jambitees are setting sail!
On 31 July 2022, the time has finally come again! Our sailing event with our jambitees from Munich will take place again this year. We are looking forward to it! As in previous years, we will set sail on the Ammersee with several sailing boats and competent skippers. After a professional briefing, all sailing enthusiastic jambitees and their families can set sails. Together in small teams, our sailors chase victory in our sailing regatta in the afternoon. Those who shy away from the sporting competition or just want to relax on the water can of course also go pedal boating! As a reward for all sailors and pedal boat drivers, there will be a tasty dinner in the evening! This is a great way to round off the evening with colleagues, friends and family in a relaxed atmosphere.
Mastering new adventures together with jambit? Feel free to browse through our vacancies!