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  • Sparkassenakademie, Landshut

jupdays 2020

Our famous strategy days are just around the corner. As usual, at the beginning of the year, all jambitees gather for a two-day offsite event. Celebrating the company’s highlights and examining the lows of the past year, the jupdays build the foundation for the upcoming year.

Away from the daily hustle and bustle at the office, we take the time to look out of the box. At our jupdays, we will define strategies and the future path together, develop a scope of action, and derive concrete ideas and measures for each business division and each individual jambitee.

In various small workshop groups, we will deal with the most diverse, company-relevant topics, which have been set up, evaluated and registered by our jambitees in advance. Each jambitee can choose, which workshop he's interested in. Also the wake-up event on Saturday morning is always a highlight of the jupdays.

Of course, there will also be enough time for fun activities. With a gym, a cardio room, an indoor pool and many open spaces, the Sparkassenakademie Landshut offers various opportunities for active distraction and compensation. With team building events and a big jambit-style party, we will once again duly celebrate and fuel networking among each other.
We wish you a lot of fun and are looking forward to 2019.

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