LMU alumniTALK
At the LMU alumniTALK forum, students and alumni meet to discuss their ideas about working life in person. What do you think during your studies and how is the job actually? What can be confirmed or corrected?
Again and again, students hesitate whether they should start their carrier in a company that is mainly a producer or service provider. If in future they want to work on a product or prefer to work in projects. Our jambitee Bastian Gebhardt, Software Engineer within the Business Division Automotive World, works mainly on behalf of other companies. He presents the perspective of a service provider and can comment in detail from advantages and disadvantages of the project business. To compare this point of view, a Mobile Engineer of a manufacturer is also invited, to tell of his experiences from everyday working life.
WHEN? Wednesday, January 24th 2018, from 6:30 p.m.
WHERE? Oettingenstr. 67, room 061
WHO? LMU Alumni Informatik e.V.
Join the event on Facebook HERE.