Meetup: Agile and Scrum
Misunderstandings about Agile Working and Scrum
Terms like "agile working" and "Scrum" are often used – but most of the time incorrectly. It's time to clear up the misunderstandings and provide clarification about these buzz words.
If you are looking for practical tools in software development, our Meetup group jambit academy is ideal for you. Experienced software developers pass on their knowledge and give practical tips and tricks.
Building an Agile Theme Park with LEGO4SCRUM
Almost. At our Meetup on February 6, 2019, we will act out an agile approach using LEGO4SCRUM. As teams, the participants can build a theme park in an agile manner.
Our jambitees Daniel Benkmann and Maximilian Schenk, both Senior Software Architects at jambit's Business Division New Business, will not only bring several Lego sets, but also knowledge from their daily project work on how to apply the agile approach and a Scrum framework correctly.
All necessary information at a glance:
- WHO? Software Architects Daniel Benkmann and Maximilian Schenk
- WHAT? Meetup Agil und Scrum (in German) from the Meetup group jambit academy
- WHEN? Wednesday, February 6, 2019, from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit GmbH, Erika-Mann-Str. 63, 80636 Munich, close to the railway station "Donnersberger Brücke" (Have a look at our direction video)
- No laptop needed
Please sign up directly via the Meetup platform: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/jambit-academy-Handwerkszeug-der-Softwareentwicklung/events/258388133/