Meetup: Artificial Intelligence
What do Pizza, Beer and Artificial Intelligence have in common?

Artificial intelligence (AI). This term has been a headline guarantee for quite some time now.
And, when Elon Musk (CEO of Tesla & SpaceX) says "With artificial intelligence we're summoning the demon" and Stephan Howking (physicist) says, "The advent of super intelligent AI would be the best or the worst thing ever to happen to humanity ", then you also realize that Artificial Intelligence can and probably will change the world.
Whether enthusiastic supporter or frightened opponent, step by step Artificial Intelligence is shaping our world – not just digital. Of course with software services as core business, a company like jambit is particular interested in this topic. Within our portfolio, we are dealing more deeply with "Big Data / Fast Data" and its exciting developments.
In today's MeetUp we'll be discussing "Practical AI" with Max Gerer, "The Zen and the Art of Cross-Validation" with Timon Ruban, and "The Discrimination in AI" with Hala Al Kuwatly. There will be also enough time for further talking and networking.
- WHO? München Artificial Intelligence Meetup
- WHAT? AI MeetUp
- WHEN? Thursday, 28.06.2018, 6:30 – 9:30 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit GmbH, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, Munich (S-Bahn, Donnersberger Brücke)
No matter if you are just AI-interested or working professionally with AI, feel free to join, to follow the exciting lectures and to get involve by yourself. Be surprised what AI is really going to change.
Please register directly through the respective meetup event: Further information and registration
But what connects pizza, beer and AI now?
Right, its jambit! We provide the location for the MeetUp, fuel the discussion with some developers, but we also provide enough beer and pizza for the networking part.If you want to know more about the meeting in advance, you are welcome to do so on MeetUp AI.
If you are interested in who and what it is behind jambit, you can click here to find out what it means to be a jambitee.