Meetup: Clean Code Session #16
The Software Craft Community Softwerkskammer founded itself in 2011to facilitate the exchange about Software Craftsmanship. The Munich local community also use it to organise meetings to related topics like Test Driven Development, Clean Code and more.
We are very happy to host number 16 of the Clean Code Session, which will be dedicated to component cohesion. With help of Uncle Bob's videos we're going to explore in this episode the three principles of component cohesion:
- The Release Reuse Equivalence principle
- The Common Closure Principle
- The Common Reuse Principle
The meetup will take place on October 18th, starting at 7 p.m. in our office at Erika-Mann-Straße 63. Of couse you will have the chance to enjoy the well known pizza-break. we are looking forward to many people taking part. Please register directly through the respective meetup event of the Munich Software Craft Community.