Meetup Softwerkskammer
  • , from 7 p.m.
  • jambit GmbH, Munich

Meetup: Clean Code Session #24 Transformation Priority Premise

The Software Craft Community founded itself in 2011to facilitate the exchange about Software Craftsmanship. The Munich local community also use it to organise meetings to related topics like Test Driven Development, Clean Code and more.

On 19th of July 2018 jambit is happy to host the last session dedicated to TDD techniques. In episode #24 we're going to see Oncle Bob's "Bleeding Edge of Test Driven Development"

For hosting, pizza and beer is jambit taking care of. We are looking forward to many people taking part.

  • WHO? Munich Software Craft Community
  • WHAT? Meetup: Clean Code Session #24: Transformation Priority Premise
  • WHEN? Thursday, 19th of July 2018, 7 – 10 p.m.
  • WHERE? jambit GmbH, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, Munich (S-Bahn, Donnersberger Brücke)

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