Meetup: Coding Dojo
The first and largest Coding Dojo Community in Germany meets again at jambit to share to improve knowledge and skills in a broad area of modern software engineering. As part of former events, the participants are given a small but challenging programming task (code kata).
Join the group and the meetup to progress your skills in fields ranging from Test-Driven-Development, Domain-Driven-Design, Refactoring, Design Patterns and more.
The keyfacts:
- WHAT? Meetup: Coding Dojo
- WHEN? Thursday, March 22th 2018, from 6 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, Munich
- WHO? Meetup-Gruppe Coding-Dojo-Munich

Please register directly on the meetup platform: https://www.meetup.com/de-DE/Coding-Dojo-Munich/
We are looking forward to your visit and wish you lots of fun with the Dojo "Learning & Teaching".