  • , from 6:30 p.m.
  • jambit GmbH, Munich

Meetup: From Science to Economy

Hello scientists. Have you ever thought about getting involved in IT or software development? From science to economy there might be some challenges. jambit experienced the opposite. There are several opportunities and perspectives that can be very attractive, especially for non-computer scientists. jambit established its own meetup group Quereinstieg - Physiker in der IT to create a forum for both – interested and experienced. Those who are curious about professional software development and those who have already managed to work in this field. How can the strengths of physicists be used in IT? Where do computer scientists and physicists might still learn from each other? These and other questions are raised by curious, interested and career changers alike.

Our first meetup "From Science to Economy: hurdles, opportunities, perspectives" shows in a practical way, how the cross-entry can successfully and easier be accomplished than expected. Automotive Software Architect David Heereman, himself former Postdoctoral Research Associate of the JGU Mainz, gives an insight into the "Professional Software Development for Physicists". And Christopher Bock, Software Architect at the Banking & Insurance Business Division, will report from his experiences and might be very helpful for decision-making. We look forward to his short lecture: "From Big Bang Theory to Big Data?"

WHEN? Tuesday, February 20th 2018, from 6:30 p.m.
WHERE? jambit, Erika-Mann-Straße 63, Munich
WHO? Quereinstieg - Physiker in der IT

Please register directly on the meetup platform HERE.

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