Meetup Leipzig: Push vs Pull in Distributed Systems & Reproducible Data Analysis with snakemake
Meetup Leipzig: software enthusiasts
It's been a while ... That's why we are even happier to announce that we will be hosting another software enthusiasts Meetup in our Leipzig office and invite you to join us. We are looking forward to two exciting talks.
Talk 1: "Push vs. pull in distributed systems" – Thomas Grund, Software Engineer, jambit.
Push and pull approaches are common communication patterns in distributed systems and are used in interfaces (APIs) to provide data. In his talk, Thomas is giving an overview of use cases of the two patterns and discuss what the implications of both approaches are when scaling large systems. This will include how to document such interfaces. At the end, we will learn ways to implement push and pull communication patterns in the cloud context using AWS as an example.
Talk 2: "Reproducible data analysis with snakemake" – Maximilian Konzack, Software Engineer, jambit.
For data analysis, a scripting language like Python, bash or R is often used. This works great for the first throw. However, if you want to combine or repeat individual steps in the analysis, input and output files and different tools or even languages, then a home-made bash script can only partially help. snakemake allows you to do all that, making data analysis reproducible and scalable. In his talk, Max is introducing snakemake to all participants. Afterwards, there will be a small demo using a simple data analysis.
Language: German

Our Meetup at a glance
- WHO? Thomas Grund, Software Engineer, jambit and Maximilian Konzack, Software Engineer, both at our jambit Leipzig office
- WHAT? Push vs Pull in distributed systems & reproducible data analysis with snakemake
- WHEN? Monday, Mai 16, 2022, 5:30 until 7:00 p.m.
- WHERE? jambit GmbH, Klostergasse 3, Leipzig
- HOW? Simply register online
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