Telematics Expert Conference 2018
Telecommunications and the automotive industry is developing further and further. Mobility changes, the potential of telematics and developments in autonomous driving will crucially influence the business models of motor vehicle insurers in the future. To keep pace, the expert conference "Telematics" was launched several years ago exclusively for the vehicle insurance industry. Its goal is to convert previous speculations into a practice-oriented discussion with selected industry experts and to deduce relevant consequences for motor insurance industry.
On February 27th and 28th, 2018, the 8th "Telematics in the vehicle insurance" conference will now be dedicated to development perspectives and implementation projects. What potential and impact do telematics products have? Which services and added value can be realized? Which obstacles and success factors materialize? These and other questions, concrete examples and current product solutions will be addressed, illustrated and discussed in Leipzig on these two days.
As expert and long-standing software provider in the financial and automotive sector, jambit will join the conference and push the discussion. You would like to get more information or meet us at the event? We look forward to your message!