1. How do you drink your coffee?
I drink two to three cups of coffee with oat milk from the French press as a morning ritual. Occasionally, I drink an espresso during the day.
2. You returned to jambit in 2021 after several stations at different companies. Why?
jambit was my first employer after my university degree in 2013. After four years, I was looking for a new challenge apart from the service industry. Several stops later, I returned last year: I remembered the great time, my appreciative senior manager, and the diversity of the service industry. Returning to jambit was a no-brainer fro me. I’m very happy that I’m a part of jambit again. Lots of things have changed. There are lots of new faces, but the spirit and the culture still feel the same.
3. Which tech stack do you prefer working with?
For me as a frontend developer, my tech stack consists of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I also work with React and TypeScript. In general, I think that web technologies are unbelievably exciting because they make contents and information accessible for so many people. Last year was the 30-year anniversary of the first website, which has ever gone live. It’s really impressing that you can still open the website with recent browsers. I don’t know of any similar product in the digital industry, where it would be possible in the same way.
4. What has gone wrong in your career so far that you can laugh about now?
I quit my first studies after two years. It was a hard step for me back then. From today's perspective, it was the best decision to go in a new direction. It led me to where I’m now. After quitting, I did a training as a digital media designer and afterwards my bachelor’s degree as a media computer scientist. This way was absolutely right for me, and it enriched my career as a frontend developer. I understand both design- and technology demands, and I see myself as an interface between both industries. I now know that not only straight career ways are the right ones. You get new perspectives through some turns. You can profit from them in the end.

5. Which tip would you give your former self?
A few years ago, I attended an IT conference. One speaker asked in the round who knows the feeling of the impostor phenomenon. 90% of the present developers raised their hand. The impostor phenomenon makes you feel like you aren’t good enough. You don’t like to admit that, and it leads to inhibitions to ask questions in the end. It was a real turning point for me to recognize that almost every developer feels like that. We are all sitting in the same boat and can have the courage to talk about our insecurities. It’s absolutely ok to show vulnerability. I would give my former self the tip to be open about this feeling and not to be afraid to ask questions.
6. What do you think will be a big tech trend in the next few years?
There is happening a lot in the frontend industry and every week there are new trends. As a frontend developer, it’s really important to get a feeling, which of them are useful. You definitely shouldn’t join every trend. It’s important to reasonably make technology decisions. I count on transparent, maintainable implementations in the future.
7. Which advice would you give to a future applicant?
It’s really important for me to discover whether and how applicants are motivated intrinsically. I want to find out which passion they have. If you can see the sparks flying and the eyes glow, the rest comes almost naturally. You can convince jambit with a recognizable passion, even if specific skills are not fully developed. That’s why I want to give the following advice to future jambitees: find out about your passion and show it in the application process.
Interested in starting at jambit as frontend developer?
Just contact our recruiter Franziska Guhr!