1. How do you drink your coffee?
I prefer to drink my coffee as a cappuccino in company with other jambitees. In the mornings, I’m always really happy when the first colleagues arrive at work and we start the day together with a coffee. I can also always practice my perfect milk foam.
2. You are a recruiter at jambit. What are the differences in recruiting at jambit in comparison to other companies?
The recruiting at jambit is very appreciative. We strongly focus on the applicants and we pay attention to what’s important for them. I'm happy to represent a company, whose values I fully support and share. This definitely makes recruiting easier for me. This is the only way how I can convey our company philosophy convincingly. The applicants notice that, too.
On top of that, we also support the candidates during the entire recruitment process: We have close contact with the applicants from the first interview until the end of probation. It’s always nice to meet the jambitees in the hallway or at events and to find out again and again that the things you say in the application process are also put into practice.
3. At the moment you’re looking for support in your recruiting team. Why should people apply?
The special fact of the job is that it’s a lot more than only recruiting. You have the possibility to create and put together a diverse mix of tasks including your own interests. There are possibilities in university marketing, the training field and a lot more. It doesn’t get boring through that and you can’t only follow the career of the hired jambitees over the whole time, but also contribute to the people and organization work strategically. It’s complicated to express the flexibility in the job description, but I can only invite you to talk to us and learn more about the diverse possibilities.

4. Which application you can’t live without?
I’m not originally from Munich. Therefore, messenger apps are of course important to stay in contact with family and friends. I use Pinterest very often, too. It’s very exciting to see what it suggests due to my searches. I try lots of things there. From new recipes to DIY projects. Pinterest is the perfect source for me to get to know diverse topics and to experience new things.
5. Which tip would you give your former self?
After my graduation I made a training as a bank clerk. The whole field totally changed through the financial crisis and it didn’t match with me and my ideas anymore. Then I decided to study again and chose the way into the human resources field. This really felt like a detour at the beginning. I have to say that it was the right decision afterwards. I’m now in a field that I really like. But I can also benefit from my experiences that I made during the training. I’m happy that I trusted my gut feeling back then. I shouldn’t have worried that much about the decision when I look back.
6. Which advice would you give to future applicants?
I noticed that the human fit is very important for me. Work is such a main part of life and we spend lots of time with our colleagues. You can surely find several job offers with similar or even same work fields and role descriptions. But it’s at least as important to find a team that matches, where you feel comfortable and where you can develop over time. This is really great here at jambit and I learned to value that a lot. That’s why I would give the advice to listen to your own gut feeling and to consider if you can imagine working together in that team.
Would you like to learn more about jambit and our recruiting position?
Then feel free to contact Tina!