Customer: Siemens AG
Project: RACE – New system architecture for vehicles

- 3-year BMWi research project with eight consortium partners
- Development of a new architecture as basis for future vehicle systems and industrial control systems
- Reduction of the complexity of prior architectures by a uniform, open basis platform
- Operation of sophisticated, partially safety related applications in consideration of critical realtime requirements
- Support of new, complex functions such as autonomous parking and drive-by-wire
- Isolation of several separate fault containment regions
- Abstraction of safety concepts, communication and parallel executions through a Run Time Environment (RTE), allowing applications to focus solely on the processing of their input and output signals
- Novel ICT system architecture based on revolutionary approaches
- Successful transfer of architecture and safety concepts from avionics (e.g. Ring-Ethernet-Boardnet, redundance on hardware level, multi-level system degradation in case of failure, transparent provision of safety mechanisms through the operating system)
- Easy expandability and interchangeability of applications through Plug & Play, even for security-critical functions
- Preparation of a migration path for existing vehicle architectures
- Successful transfer of the research results into commercial follow-up projects
- Transfer of middleware into non-automotive fields such as factory automation and the energy sector
- Successful cooperation between various research institutes and commercial firms, even beyond the consortium project
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