Süddeutsche Zeitung - Development of auction platform Kaufdown

Customer: Süddeutsche Zeitung
Project: Development of a web-based multi-client capable auction platform

Online-Auktionsportal kaufdown
Auktionsportal kaufdown
  • Development of a multi-client capable auction platform for media portals
  • Advertising customers provide products and services in return for advertising volumes
  • The daily auctions start with the store's list price which decreases in regular time intervals for a pre-defined price interval (reverse auction)
  • The later the end customer buys the product or service, the lower is the price; however, if another user buys it only a second before, it is sold
  • Besides the appealing User Interface, the focus is on a scalable and high-performance architecture
  • The current price and the selling status are synchronized continuously with the back-end
  • Via an admin backend, new products and product variations can be uploaded, statistics about the sale can be accessed and adjustments by single licencees can be made comfortably
  • The entire e-commerce process from sales over online payment (immediate transfer or credit card) up to delivery/collection is supported with a certificate by the software
  • Technologies: Play, Scala, HTML5, jQuery, Sass
  • Dear jambitees, thanks a lot for your relentless and great dedication!

    Content of a thank-you card, written by the project team of sueddeutsche.de and Süddeutsche Zeitung


  • Long-term, test-driven and stable development from the first idea up to the complete auction platform
  • Highest customer satisfaction due to agile project management and agile development methods (Scrum)
  • Facilitation of the sales procedure by process automation
  • Simple administration and great user experience
  • Kaufdown is one of the most successful instruments for advertising marketing at Süddeutsche Zeitung
  • The success of the platform speaks for itself: Already 7 other German newspaper publishers have licensed the product - with rising tendency!

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Robert Kowalski jambit Head of Business Division Media

Robert Kowalski

Head of Division Media

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