Happy 22nd birthday, jambit!
On December 23, 1999, Markus Hartinger and Peter Fellinger founded jambit GmbH over a cup of coffee. At that time their baby – today really big being 22 years!
Even though celebrating is known to be rather difficult at the moment, especially in the cold months, our traditional jambit birthday Weißwurst breakfast could still take place in a smaller setting with masks, keeping distance and hygiene regulations. Over Weißwurst and pretzels, our jambitees shared their personal jambit stories and highlights with each other.
Maybe there will be a 22 years jambit party in summer – stay tuned aka stei tu:nd.
We are proud to look back on 22 years of exciting, challenging and innovative software projects. Over the years, jambit has established itself as a strong partner for a wide range of industries and topics.
Cheers to the next 22!