New jambit office in Stuttgart: software developers move to Königsbau
On December 09, 2019, jambit moves into a new office in Stuttgart’s city center. In the prestigious Königsbau on Schlossplatz in Stuttgart, 22 jambitees are now working on projects in our business divisions Automotive and Media. And not only the view of the New Palace is promising.
The advantage for software developers at jambit in Stuttgart: location

"In Stuttgart, we are looking forward both to working with an automotive industry that is enthusiastic about innovation and to motivated applicants from the diverse university landscape," says Andreas Bernauer, Head of the Subsidiary Stuttgart. On December 9, we will be moving into the new 500 m² premises Königsbau in the heart of Stuttgart's city center. For interested software developers, the move offers an advantage that can be summed up in one word: location. Königsbau is one of the most central locations in Stuttgart and, with its proximity to the main railway station, not only offers quick access to the Munich headquarters, but also to the many customers from the Baden-Württemberg region. In this way, employees living in Speyer, Ulm, Ludwigshafen, Schorndorf etc. can reach projects quickly and ecologically.

Coming home to the jambit office in Stuttgart

With the expansion of the Stuttgart office, jambit also confirms an important principle of its own culture: jambit developers should not travel for project too often. "Our software developers do a challenging job in demanding projects for a wide range of clients. It is important to us that they have a place where they can find peace and space for their tasks – in a way, to come home. The spacious new office with the inviting roof top terrace underlines this claim", explains Kristina Seitter, who takes care of the property management of all three jambit locations and the internal organization of the Stuttgart office. The 33-year-old native Swabian has left the jambit Munich office two years ago to help setting up the new Stuttgart office.
Meetup instead of “Kehrwoche”: events in the jambit Stuttgart office

With the three jambit locations, regional traditions are of course also a cross-location topic. For example, the typical Swabian Kehrwoche, which imputes the Swabians with a certain smugness. However, the Munich and Leipzig colleagues don’t need not fear that they will be given cleaning rags during their Stuttgart visit: our jambit Swabians rather live an open and dynamic event culture: because apart from the project work there is a lot going on in the Stuttgart office: with many meetups around artificial intelligence, Scrum and Reactive Programming and one or the other "Feschtle". The next Meetup in mid-February with Coding Stuttgart will take place in the new office. "It will only be really Swabian at our anniversary. Unlike in Munich, Maultaschen will be served," says Kristina Seitter. Next to the space inside, the big terrace with views over the city will be a popular place to meet up. Especially in the summer, jambitees will for sure take advantage of it while having lunch or an after-work beer.
Would you like to actively develop further the jambit Stuttgart office? Click here for our job offers!
jambit in Friedrichstrasse 45, 70174 Stuttgart
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jambit GmbH | Friedrichstrasse 45 | 70174 Stuttgart | Phone +49.711.21 95 28 - 0