Mercedes PRO fleet management - web & smartphone app development

For the Daimler AG we, the software service provider jambit, developed a web app as well as the smartphone apps on Android and iOS for the Mercedes PRO connect fleet management. The programming was done in an agile way according to Scrum and via distributed teams at our jambit offices in Munich and Stuttgart. Here you can get an insight into the project and our services in the area of mobile app development.

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Customer: Daimler AG
Project: Mercedes PRO Fleet Management Web App & Connect Smartphone App

Mercedes PRO Flottenmanagement
Mercedes PRO Sprinter
  • Implementation of a web and smartphone app for more efficient fleet management, i.e. deployment planning of drivers, organization of fleet maintenance, monitoring of vehicle safety, technical parameters and charging management of electric vehicles
  • Reduction of paperwork through digital driver’s logbook
  • Improvement of communication between fleet manager and driver with the help of the web and smartphone app
  • Provision of web and smartphone app in a scaled Scrum process with several Scrum teams
  • Development of the web app as a single-page application and component-based framework as a basis for further applications of the customer. Implementation of the web app with 13 front-end developers and one DevOp
  • Parallel development of native iOS and Android apps. Realization of the smartphone app with 14 app developers and two back-end developers
  • Technologies used: Angular 6/7, Azure, C #, Carthage, CocoaPods, git, HERE Maps, HockeyApp, Java, Redux, REST, RESTRx, RxJS, Sass, SignalR, SQL Server, Swift, VSTS
  • From the beginning of the project, it was noticeable that each and every team member was keen on putting the best product out on the road. I liked that a lot. Many thanks for the dedication, team spirit and the profitable cooperation.

    B. S., Head of Connectivity & Digital Services, Daimler AG


  • Visualization of a truly digital logbook through automated route tracking with individual postprocessing options
  • Web and smartphone app as enrichment and innovative part of the Mercedes PRO platform
  • Development in several internationally distributed jambit project teams
  • Successful, cross-company collaboration with other software and design suppliers as part of an agile Scrum process (Scaled Scrum) in the context of 14 distributed Scrum teams
  • Supporting the customer in the paradigm shift to become a provider of service-oriented transport and mobility solutions

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Philip Achenbach jambit Head of Business Division Automotive

Philip Achenbach

Head of Division Mobility

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