Power plant optimization: efficient. safe. highly scalable.

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Power plant optimization – efficient. safe. highly scalable.

New networking options for safe and simplified work processes

Maximum operational reliability and lower costs – these are the advantages of a modern power plant control system. With a scalable optimization solution, manual efforts are a thing of the past.

Client: VK Energie

Project: VK API

Industry: Energy

Services: Consulting on solution design, implementation of the concept, backend development

Technologies: Terraform, Ansible, OpenVPN, IPSEC


The energy transition poses new challenges for power plant operators – from municipal utilities to large corporations. Many operators already have powerful control systems, but the step to make optimal use of these systems often remains undone due to a lack of modern optimization solutions.

This is exactly where VK Energie comes in. With the VK Box and powerful, fully automated optimization, clients can use the full potential of their plants.

The process couldn't be seamlessly integrated until now. Direct connectivity between the operators' management tool and the VK Energie backend was missing. Without seamless integration, both systems ran in parallel and maintenance/faults had to be managed in both systems at the same time. Together with jambit, VK Energie developed a solution to overcome this barrier and take client centricity to a new level together with jambit.

  • Gemeinsam mit jambit haben wir eine Lösung entwickelt, die den Betrieb unserer Kunden einfacher und effizienter macht. Die enge Zusammenarbeit hat es ermöglicht, gezielt auf deren Anforderungen einzugehen und echte Erleichterungen im Alltag zu schaffen.

    Prof. Dr. Johannes Jungwirth, Gründer und technischer Geschäftsführer, VK Energie


The integration was carried out in close cooperation between jambit and VK Energie. It started with a detailed requirements analysis, in which both teams jointly analyzed the technical and operational challenges. jambit supported the project with in-depth expertise in software architectures and operational processes and actively contributed to the solution finding.

In an agile and iterative approach, the solution was developed step by step. This approach made it possible to make necessary adjustments in real time and to react flexibly to specific client requirements.

The key to success was the collaboration between the two teams of specialists. VK Energie contributed its extensive expertise in the optimization of energy systems, simulations and plant configurations. jambit ensured that the final solution met the highest security, high availability and redundancy requirements. At the same time, it could be quickly and easily integrated into the client's existing infrastructure.

The result of this collaboration was the development of an API that meets the highest security standards, is highly scalable and makes it possible to integrate the VK Energie backend directly into the client's plant operations.

VK Box VK Energie


The introduction of the VK Energie API means that power plant operators can now access current data directly from the VK Energie backend and integrate it seamlessly into their own plant operations systems. This enables precise and reliable control and the real-time integration of all relevant operating data.

The API also offers advanced functionalities: It transmits fault messages in the event of unplanned downtime and takes planned unavailabilities into account, so that operators always have an overview of the status of their plants.

If it's fully automated optimization and control of the plants, simulations for optimal configurations or the implementation of Redispatch 2.0, VK Energie's complete solution allows power plant operators to use the full potential of their energy systems.

A specific example shows how VK Energie, as a central operations optimizer, enables operators to flexibly decide if a gas boiler or a heat pump should be put into operation – optimized according to current electricity prices. This leads to an even more economical use of the power plants and maximizes efficiency in operations.

Successes at a glance:

  • Seamless integration: The VK Energie API enables direct integration of current data into the operating systems of power plant operators.
  • Optimized operations: Fully automated control, simulations and Redispatch 2.0 maximize the efficiency of energy systems.
  • Enhanced functionality: The API reports both unplanned downtime (faults) and planned plant unavailability.
  • Economic use: The VK operational optimization decides, for example, when to operate a heat pump, optimizing at the most favorable electricity prices.
  • Scalable solution: The solution meets the highest security requirements and can be quickly adapted to the individual client environment.

About VK Energie

Logo VK Energie für Innovation Story

VK Energie was founded in 2017 with the vision of actively promoting the energy transition and shaping a sustainable future.

The founders, Johannes Jungwirth, Philipp Schaltenberg and their team, implement scientific findings in practical solutions and thus optimize energy systems with passion and innovation.

VK Energie established itself as a leading provider of holistic optimization of energy systems in Germany and is growing continuously over the years.

Just contact us!

If you have any questions, please contact Maximilian Claus, Senior Business Relationship Manager. Just leave him a message via the contact form.

You can also contact him directly via LinkedIn or call him on +49 1516 7853678 .

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Maximilian Claus, Sales Manager Industry & Energy bei jambit

Maximilian Claus

Senior Business Relationship Manager

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