IT integration of payment features
Tailor-made software solutions from jambit

IT-Integration von Payment-Funktionalitäten

"Follow the money" – this saying from politics is also relevant for software developers. Sooner or later, every start-up, prototype, and project must somehow pay off financially – and ideally, IT is not only a cost factor in the company, but also a source of income. What comes up is the question of monetizing software – because good ideas alone do not bring in revenue. But when it comes to actually processing customers' payments in the end-user sector, things quickly become very complicated. A multitude of legal framework conditions, different accounting requirements, security aspects – and what about PSD2?

In the first prototype phase, it is often appropriate to proceed very simply – invoices for more complex business use cases can also be created with Excel and Word templates. But such solutions very quickly reach their limits. With reaching the desired success, you have to scale up quickly. If, for example, a migration from Excel enriched with VisualBasic to Java is then necessary, it becomes anything but trivial.

Payment options for customers:
Invoice, credit card, alternative payment services

The integration of payment features is becoming relevant in more and more areas of our customers: Media companies generate additional revenue via paywalls at newspapers, for example, and car manufacturers sell vehicles online or offer digital after-sales solutions to upgrade functions. Mobility services or digitally mediated leasing products are also becoming increasingly relevant. In the context of electromobility, there are also more and more use cases in this direction – electricity at charging stations and parking spaces are paid for digitally. The challenges are always similar: How do I get my money? How do I create invoices? How do I enable payment with credit cards? It is therefore worthwhile to benefit from existing experience.

There are different ways of offering payment options to customers, which can be roughly divided into three categories:

Invoice / direct debit:

In IT terms, the easiest way is to create invoices, as the necessary information is usually already available in the company's own system and little interaction with external interfaces is required. The data can then be transferred to the existing ERP system. However, the simple technical implementation have to face higher organizational efforts, as well as certain collection risks if the service is not provided after payment. This risk can be reduced by using external service providers who specialize in instant transfers. In addition, a number of business requirements must also be implemented in IT terms. From the 10-year storage period to unique invoice numbers to different VAT rates. But in the medium term, this should not be the only solution, because many customers now also prefer alternative payment options, especially for small or regular purchases.

The technical implementation can be very much adapted to the customer's existing system and workflows.

Credit card:

Credit cards are a frequent means of payment, especially in international business. But even in Germany, the number of credit cards issued and the related revenue generated is rising continuously. The payment flow with credit cards is significantly more complex than by bank transfer, as the data must flow through several technical layers of different payment service providers. However, the convenience for the user is very high. The high security standards also mean that the risk, both for users and providers, is manageable. However, standards such as PSD2 lead to a certain complexity, both in the software and in the payment workflows.

Processing credit card data means that the demands on IT security are also significantly higher. However, it is now easily possible to process credit card payments via external service providers in such a way that the credit card data does not have to be processed on the company's own systems. We at jambit have already successfully implemented connections of many different providers in some projects (Heidelpay, Aria, Optile/Payoneer), and evaluated others technically (e.g. Adyen, wirecard). In addition, there are internal solutions in larger corporations that we have also already dealt with.

Alternative payment services:

There are now also a number of providers offering alternative payment services, e.g. Paypal, Amazon Pay or WeChat in Asia. These services have the advantage of being very convenient for customers who already have an account there. This also increases conversion rates. However, since not every potential customer has a corresponding account, these services are only suitable in addition to other payment methods. Depending on the provider, transaction costs may be higher than those for invoices or credit cards. However, the technical connection of these services is usually quite unproblematic.

When selecting payment options, the most important thing is to cater individually to the customer group and to enable smooth integration into existing systems. From an IT perspective, there is no clear recommendation on whichis the "better" payment option, but the potential effort of IT integration should be included in the selection. Based on our experience in many different projects, we can provide both technical and professional advice and will be happy to analyze your existing systems together with you to find the best possible solution.

Develop payment solutions with jambit:
Industry know-how and innovative software development

Softwareentwicklungsteam München

The hearts of our employees beat for software development, of course. However, to take responsibility for our software, we must also always understand our specialist nature. This holds also true for our payment-related projects – through close collaboration between experts from the specialist departments and our payments specialists, we analyze our customers' business processes to implement those in software as efficiently as possible. This agile collaborationoften allows our teams to proactively suggest improvements, making the process more enjoyable for both the end customer and the operator – and thus achieving our goal of "100% enthusiasm".

Through our many years of experience in this field, we now have a wide range of employees with specific industry know-how who bring their experience to their projects. Please feel free to contact us via the form on this page.

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Michael Römer, Head of Banking & Insurance, jambit GmbH

Michael Römer

Head of Division Banking & Insurance

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