Mobile App Development
Since 2018, the office in Leipzig has been supporting innovative software projects with world-renowned customers. The highly qualified software developers with very different backgrounds and diverse in-depth skills work on projects from a wide range of industries, from automotive to media. Therefore, the Leipzig jambitees has a very wide range of used technologies, fields to work in, and of individual skill sets. As benefits for the projects, the emloyees can take on a wide variety of roles and topics quickly. This is also a great advantage when a project is implemented across the several jambit offices. Our jambit office in Leipzig is used to working remotely if needed and at the same time it is easily accessible from jambit's headquarters in Munich.
Komplexe Softwareentwicklung treibt Sie genauso an wie uns? Für unser wunderschönes Büro mitten in der Leipziger Innenstadt suchen wir eine Reihe erfahrender, kluger Köpfe aus ganz unterschiedlichen Bereichen der Softwareentwicklung. Aktuell suchen wir neue Mitarbeiter (m/w) mit folgenden Profilen:
Take a look at our service portfolio. We are always happy to welcome clever IT-enthusiastic software developers for all these areas. We look forward to receiving your general application to jobs@jambit.com.
Please don't hesitate to contact our People & Organization team in case of any questions. Alisha Westbomke, Johanna Pröhl, Franziska Schulze, Tina Herrmann and Hannah Miedel (picture l. to r.) are taking care of the hand-picked selection of jambitees.
We look forward to receiving your application!
E-Mail: jobs@jambit.com
Phone: 0049 89 452347-17
Take a tour through our jambit office in Leipzig:
jambit GmbH | Klostergasse 3 | 04109 Leipzig | Phone +49.341.22 178 - 0 |
If you are interested in our office in Leipzig beyond the shown vacancies, our People & Organization team will be happy to answer your questions. Simply leave a message using the contact form.
Contact us now