Digitization of an academy's educational offerings

Digitalisierung einer Akademie

Digitization of an academy's educational offerings for Bildung & Begabung gGmbH

Technologies: Azure, O365, Powershell

Services: Platforms & Cloud, front-end development

Development duration: Five weeks

jambit digitized the "Deutsche SchülerAkademie", an educational offering from Bildung & Begabung, with cloud and front-end expertise. An automated learning platform now enables smooth academy activites in the cloud.

Bildung & Begabung

Bildung & Begabung is the single point of contact for talent promotion and development in Germany. With its individual support programs, the institution helps young people develop their strengths – regardless of their education and cultural background. Bildung & Begabung is a subsidiary of the Stifterverband. Its sponsors are the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Kultusministerkonferenz. The patron is the Federal President of Germany.

The non-profit organization's support programs include the Germany-wide mathematics competitions, the national foreign language competition and various academy formats. Academies run by Bildung & Begabung are extracurricular educational opportunities lasting one to several weeks in which young people of one age group live and learn together in one place. In specialized courses and overarching activities, participants play an active role in shaping the academy. A central concern is to enrich the participants' own development and to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking and working by dealing with different topics, perspectives and people. Every year, around 1,200 young people take part in such academies.

Initial situation: High support effort for the system administration of the education provider

Bildung und Begabung Screenshot

The pandemic made these on-site face-to-face offerings impossible overnight: The institution quickly needed a learning and networking platform to make the educational offerings and their special character a digital experience. Academy situations are demanding, and the dedicated students should experience a smooth process. In five weeks, the project had to ensure a digital academy environment. Since many students and volunteers take part in a wide variety of courses, there were great demands on IT. For example, over 1,200 onboardings and offboardings take place per season, and more than 30,000 interactions occur between young people per day.

The administrators of the platform must set up and shut down a large number of accounts with differentiated authorizations for the courses in a very short time. Bildung & Begabung needed a system that would require little effort for administrators and be future-proof. The infrastructure had to be scalable and adaptable to use, even in terms of costs. At the same time, volunteers and permanent employees had to be trained in how to use the system.

  • With jambit, we succeeded in transporting the enthusiasm of on-site courses into digital formats. The jambit team implemented the project in time and on budget while introducing us to agile ways of working. The result: a great platform without major maintenance efforts.

    U. K., Head of the Academy Bildung & Begabung gGmbH

Cloud expertise and automation for the digital learning platform

The jambit team set up the learning platform on Microsoft Teams with Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) and integrated other SaaS solutions. Administrative tasks were automated with Powershell. During the implementation, the team, consisting of contact persons from Bildung & Begabung and jambit, worked together using the agile framework Kanban. A cross-functional jambit team collaborated with administrators and experts from the organization. jambit's system engineers and front-end experts allowed a fast and effective implementation for an inspiring learning experience for young people.

The high degree of automation has many advantages for Bildung & Begabung:

  • Focusing on the essentials: The development of optimal educational offerings for young people
  • Responsiveness: Implementation of new digital education formats at short notice
  • Cost-effective scalability of the digital offering

Success at a glance

Arbeiten bei jambit in München
  • Thanks to the high degree of automation, Bildung & Begabung gains time to focus on the essentials: Optimal educational offerings for young people.
  • jambit's solution offers cost-effective scalability of the digital offering.
  • Our agile experts introduced the organization's team to agile work with Kanban.
  • Low maintenance efforts ensure the future viability of the platform.
  • The project was completed in budget and on time.

Talk to us about this case and your individual challenges

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Michael Römer, Head of Banking & Insurance, jambit GmbH

Michael Römer

Head of Division Banking & Insurance

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